[Dottorcomp] informal seminar by Emile Parolin

Laura Spinolo spinolo a imati.cnr.it
Ven 25 Nov 2022 14:41:05 CET

Dear all,

the next speaker of the "very informal seminars" series is Emile Parolin.
The title of his talk is "Why use Julia for scientific computing?" and the
abstract is below*. *Emile's seminar is scheduled for *Friday, December 2,
2pm*, and it will take place in the *Conference Room* of *IMATI-CNR*
(please note the new location!).

Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Andrea, Laura and Lorenzo

Why use Julia for scientific computing?

The talk aims at describing the key features of the language that make
Julia very attractive from the point of view of scientific computing. In
particular, I will describe its unique programming paradigm based on
multiple-dispatch, which arguably makes it a very natural tool for
mathematical thinking. Besides, I will explain why Julia is often presented
as a solution to the 'two-language problem' in the sense that the
programmer can obtain performance through optimization while staying within
the language itself. This is however not for free and requires
understanding a bit of what happens behind the scenes.

Of course, no a priori knowledge of Julia is required to follow the talk.

Laura Spinolo
via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Web: http://arturo.imati.cnr.it/spinolo/
Email: spinolo a imati.cnr.it
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