[Dottorcomp] Seminario Prof. Michele Benzi

Giancarlo Sangalli giancarlo.sangalli a unipv.it
Ven 28 Ott 2022 11:04:08 CEST

Buongiorno a tutti. 

trasmetto a tutti gli interessati l'invito al seminario del Prof. Michele Benzi, il 18/11/2022 alle ore 14:00 presso l'Aula Scarpa dell'Universita` di Pavia.

Un saluto cordiale Giancarlo Sangalli

Functions of matrices: theory,  applications and computation

Michele Benzi
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Abstract:  In this talk I will first give a brief history of matrix and operator functions. 
The story begins with the early work of Cayley and Sylvester on matrix algebra in the
XIX Century, continues in the XX Century with the important contributions of Weyr, 
E. Cartan, Giorgi, and Cipolla, and culminates with the development of various functional 
calculi for linear operators (both bounded and unbounded) in the context of modern 
functional analysis.  Much of this work is motivated by applications, especially in Physics,
a few of which will be described in the second part of the talk, together with emerging 
new applications in Network Science.  In the last part of the talk I will discuss some results 
on decay properties of functions of large, sparse matrices and current work on efficient 
algorithms for evaluating quantities such as the trace of a matrix function or the action of  
a matrix function on a given vector using Krylov subspace methods. 


Giancarlo Sangalli
Dip. di Matematica - Università di Pavia
Tel: +39 0382985623 - Fax: +39 0382985602

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