[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - G. Leoni 13/12/23

Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Mer 13 Dic 2023 08:00:00 CET

Dear all,

We remind you *today*'s appointment of the series of seminars "Insalate di
Here are the details:

*Speaker*: *Giorgio Leoni *(Università degli Studi di Pavia)

*Date and time*: *13th of December 2023, 4:30 pm (CET)*

*Title*: "Free product with amalgamation: jumping around algebraic

*Abstract*: The free product with amalgamation was introduced in the realm
of groups by Otto Schreier in 1927, and later in the theory of Lie algebras
by Pyotr Shirshov in 1948. It is a powerful construction which allows us to
combine multiple algebraic structures into a single, unified object, while
preserving important properties of each individual structure.
In this talk, we will explore free products with amalgamation in the
context of groups, Lie algebras, and associative algebras, and see how they
behave moving from one context to the other. We will eventually show under
which conditions the functor associating to a group with the graded Lie
algebra induced by the lower central filtration preserves such construction.

*Keywords:* Groups, Lie algebras, free product with amalgamation

*Information to attend in room U3-05*
The seminar will take place in room U3-05, at the building U3-Bios,
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca.

*Information to attend online*
insalate, 46725283 from phones)

For further information, please visit our website:
https://sites.google.com/view/insalate-di-matematica or contact us at
insalate.matematica a unimib.it. Find us also on our Instagram page:

The organizers: Ettore Marmo, Simone Gallivanone, Fabio Mastrogiacomo,
Marco Fusari, Tommaso Toti and Matteo Tarocchi.
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