[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - B. Marchionna 11/1/2023

Mbs Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Gio 5 Gen 2023 10:00:00 CET

Dear all,

As part of the series of seminars "Insalate di Matematica", *Bianca
Marchionna* (Universität Bielefeld & Università degli Studi di
Milano-Bicocca) will give a talk.
The speaker will deliver the talk *in presence* and the meeting will also
be broadcasted *online* (see below for more information)

Here the details:

*Date and time*: 11th of January 2023, 5:00 pm (CET)

*Title*: "An introduction to zeta functions"

*Abstract*: A zeta function is a function in the complex variable [image: s]
defined by a Dirichlet series [image: \sum_{n=1}^{+\infty} a_n n^{-s}]. The
first example has been the Riemann zeta function, a kind of prototype for
the whole theory. More examples can be generated whenever the [image:
a_n]'s count
prescribed subobjects of a given structure (e.g., subgroups of index [image:
n] in a group, loops of length [image: n] in a graph ...).
The seminar aims at giving an overview on the world of zeta functions and
on some of the most common methods used wherein, with a particular emphasis
on Group Theory. After a brief introduction on Dirichlet series, the
discussion will vary from classical results to more recent developments and
works in progress.

*Keywords*: asymptotic algebra, Dirichlet series, group theory, zeta

*Information to attend in room 2109*
The seminar will take place in room 2109, at the building U5-Ratio,
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca *(be careful with the change of
usual room)*.

*Information to attend online*
(Password: Insalate (46725283 from phones))

*** We inform you that the talk will be recorded and uploaded on our
website. If you join the talk after the starting time, we kindly ask you to
ensure that your microphone and webcam are turned off ***

You can find the poster of the event in the attachment.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

For further information, please visit our website:
https://sites.google.com/view/insalate-di-matematica or contact us at
insalate.matematica a unimib.it. Find us also on our Instagram page:

The organizers: Andrea Bisterzo, Alberto Cassella, Bianca Marchionna,
Andrea Rivezzi, Giovanni Siclari, Marta Tameni, Matteo Tarocchi, Marco
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