[Dottorcomp] A couple of classes on uncertainty quantification in the next two weeks at IMATI-PV

Lorenzo Tamellini tamellini a imati.cnr.it
Ven 10 Nov 2023 16:58:52 CET

Dear all,

In the next few weeks I will be giving a couple of classes on uncertainty
quantification in the context of the "very informal seminars" of
IMATI-UNIPV, with the goal of bringing up to speed a few people that have
shown interest in using UQ tools for their own applications.

In the true spirit of the "very informal seminars", the classes are very
much open to anyone who wants to attend, and will also be very informal: I
have a rough program (see below) and let's see how far we can go within
reasonable time limits (2 slots 3h each max).

Interested PhD students are welcome to attend as well, but please note that
this *cannot* be considered a PhD course.

The program is more or less this:
1) what do we mean by forward UQ, and a basic monte carlo example
2) speeding up forward UQ by sparse grids surrogate models (using the
sparse grids matlab kit, https://sites.google.com/view/sparse-grids-kit)
3) inverse UQ by bayesian methods
4) if time allows, something on multi-fidelity methods (multi-index
stochastic collocation, multi-level monte carlo)

We have a little flexibility on the dates of the classes. Please fill the
google form below by Monday 13 night, so I have a couple of days to setup

I can also setup a google meet link so people can attend remotely - if you
are interested please vote accordingly in the google form.

Link to the google form: https://forms.gle/ZJkDn4h9iqoowo1T6

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