[Dottorcomp] Fwd: PhD (Postdoc) Research Position 9y23zz, Control Theory/Applied Math, Munich, Germany

Pierluigi Colli pierluigi.colli a unipv.it
Ven 8 Set 2023 11:31:45 CEST

Per dottorandi ev. interessati,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Gunther Reissig <gunther.reissig a unibw-muenchen.de>
Date: mar 5 set 2023 alle ore 17:12
Subject: PhD (Postdoc) Research Position 9y23zz, Control Theory/Applied
Math, Munich, Germany
To: <pierluigi.colli a unipv.it>

Dear Professor Colli,
I would like to point you to the announcement of a fully funded PhD
position in Munich, Germany, the city of the Oktoberfest. The position
would also be suitable for a Postdoc.

The successful candidate is expected to advance the state of the art
of the numerical approximation of reachable sets of continuous-time
control systems. I am looking for someone with a strong theoretical or
mathematical background, and a strong interest in dynamical or control
systems. Experience in one of the following fields would be a plus but
is not necessarily required:
* Reachability analysis for continuous-time control systems
* quadrature theory
* mathematical foundations of semi-definite programming
* set-valued or validated numerics
* validated floating-point arithmetic
* information-based complexity / optimal recovery.

I would appreciate if you could advertise the position in your
department or forward it to whomever you deem appropriate.

The announcement is attached as a pdf file.

Thank you very much!

Gunther Reissig

Gunther Reißig, Dr. habil.

University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Department of Aerospace Engineering
LRT-15, Institute of Control Engineering

85577 Neubiberg (Munich)
E-Mail: gunther.reissig a unibw-muenchen.de
WWW:    http://www.reiszig.de/gunther/
FAX:    +49-89-6004-3074
Skype:  guntherreissig
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