[Dottorcomp] COMPMAT spring workshop 2024: first announcement

Alen Kushova alen.kushova01 a universitadipavia.it
Lun 11 Mar 2024 11:26:25 CET

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the upcoming *COMPMAT Spring Workshop* scheduled
for *May 8, 2024*.

The Spring Workshop is specifically tailored for advanced Master's
graduates with an interest in pursuing doctoral studies in Computational
Mathematics, Decision Sciences, Machine Learning, Statistics, and related
fields. In addition to serving as an academic forum, it is designed as a
unique meeting point between the academic environment and the industry.

During the workshop, the coordinators of different doctoral projects will
introduce their groups and research interests. In the afternoon, ample
space will be given to specific projects, yet to be agreed upon. The
details of the program will soon be made public on the website dedicated to
the spring workshop.

Furthermore, this edition will be enriched by a *dedicated poster session*
*for* you, *Ph.D. students*. This session provides an excellent opportunity
to share your experiences and academic journey, positively contributing to
both your end-of-year evaluation and academic growth. We strongly encourage
you to prepare a poster summarizing your academic path, research
activities, publications, and achieved results. Further details on poster
dimensions will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your enthusiastic participation, and we look forward to
seeing you at the workshop.

Best regards,

The Organizers: Elena Ballante, Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh, Alen Kushova, Andrea
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