[Dottorcomp] Informal Seminar - Federico Gatti - 22/12/2023, 2pm

Lorenzo Tamellini tamellini a imati.cnr.it
Ven 1 Dic 2023 12:10:32 CET

Dear all,

The next Very Informal Seminar will be given by Federico Gatti (CNR-IMATI
Pavia) at 2 PM on Friday 22th December, in the conference room of CNR-IMATI.

Title and abstract below.

Andrea, Laura, Lorenzo


*Titolo:* Efficient numerical schemes for depth-integrated landslide runout

*Abstract:* Landslide dynamics encompasses various velocity scales and
mechanical behaviors, presenting challenges in numerical modeling. In this
work, we focus on landslide runout phase.
Two numerical frameworks are proposed: one for homogeneous moving slides,
such as mudflows, and the other for landslides with significant
solid-liquid interactions. These schemes adopt adaptive mesh refinement and
domain partitioning on hierarchical quadtree meshes, enhancing scalability
and efficiency. These numerical schemes can be seen as a modification of
the standard two-step Taylor-Galerkin (TG2) scheme on quadtree meshes. We
propose modifications aimed at ensuring well-balancing property and
overcoming the numerical stiffness coming from diffusion-reaction terms,
while guaranteeing scaling performances proper of the TG2 scheme.
Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the schemes in terms
of time-step selection, parallel performance, accuracy, and ability to deal
with real topographies.
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