[Dottorcomp] PhD course "An introduction to systems of conservation laws in one space variable"

Laura Spinolo spinolo a imati.cnr.it
Mer 17 Gen 2024 12:31:27 CET

Dear all,

I am the Instructor for the course "An introduction to systems of
conservation laws in one space variable", which is scheduled to start in
approximately a couple of months.

I think it would be nice to have a short and very informal meeting with
those who are considering attending the course. From my perspective, the
goal of the meeting will be to gather some useful information like your
academic interests, your previous knowledge of the topic and/or of general
PDE theory (if you have no previous knowledge, that's perfectly fine, but I
have to know it). From your perspective, it will be a chance to ask
questions about the course, if you have any. In case you might find it
useful, I am enclosing a file with the course abstract and a (very
tentative) outline.

Wrapping up, if you are considering attending the course, please fill in
the link below *by Friday, January 19 *


so that we can find a time and date for the meeting that suits most of you.
If you'd rather have an online meeting, please let me know.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

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