[Dottorcomp] PhD Course Prof. S.-Y. Ha (Seoul National University)

Mattia Zanella mattia.zanella a unipv.it
Lun 8 Gen 2024 17:25:29 CET

Carissime e carissimi,

segnalo il seguente corso di dottorato tenuto del *Prof. S.-Y. Ha* (Seoul
National University, Republic of Korea)

*Introduction to Mathematical Models for Synchronization and Emergent

*Abstract: *We present a crash introduction on mathematical synchronization
and state-of-the-art results on the emergent dynamics of some mathematical
models for synchronization. Synchronization denotes an adjustment of
rhythms in oscillatory systems due to weak interaction between oscillators.
It was first observed in two pendulum clocks hanging on the same bar by
Dutch physicist Christian Huygens in the middle of 17th century. Since
then, it was reported in science literature from time to time. However, its
mathematical modeling on synchronization was first done by Arthur Winfree
in 1967 in his undergraduate thesis at Cornell Univ. After Winfree’s novel
work, Japanese physicist Yoshiki Kuramoto further introduced an
analytically treatable phase model for weakly coupled oscillators a.k.a.
the Kuramoto model. In a series of lectures, we introduce several Kuramoto
hierarchical models and their corresponding kinetic and fluid models. We
also provide phase-locking properties of the aforementioned models.

In allegato il syllabus del corso.

Il corso si terrà al Dipartimento di Matematica il 19-20-21 Febbraio 2024
dalle 11:00 alle 13:00.
Gli interessati sono invitati a rispondere a questa email per
Su richiesta sarà predisposto un collegamento Zoom per seguire il corso da

Colgo l'occasione per augurarvi un felice anno nuovo e una buona ripresa
delle attività!

mattia zanella


*Mattia Zanella, PhD*
Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics
Dept. of Mathematics, University of Pavia
Via A. Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Office E18 - Phone +39.0382.985658
URL: www.mattiazanella.eu
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